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Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

Member of the organizing committees

Organization of the Scientific Day of the team "Modelling and Scientific Computing" of the Mathematics Institute of Bordeaux.

With Frédéric Gibou we have organized an international workshop in Santa Barbara funded by the Idex initiative in Bordeaux. The topics of the workshop were about our common research subjects: hierarchical Cartesian meshes and monolithic models: multi-resolution schemes based on octree grid structures, refined grid patches, numerical zooms, overset.

Charles-Henri Bruneau is in the organizing commettee of ICCFD conference, a major conference in CFD.


Member of the editorial boards

Angelo Iollo is in the advisory board of Acta Mechanica.

Reviewer - Reviewing activities

Invited talks

Invited seminars at Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck, Ecole Centrale Nantes, Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Applications de Poitiers, Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay, Florence University .

Leadership within the scientific community

Angelo Iollo is responsible of the scientific policy of the scientific computing departement of the LabEx CPU. This departement gathers 60 researhers of the math lab IMB, of the computer science lab LaBRI, of the mecanichs lab I2M and of the CEA.

Scientific expertise

Angelo Iollo has been reviewer of the PhD defense « Modélisation numérique du vol inspiré à la biologie » of Thomas Engels, TU Berlin et Université Aix-Marseille, 12/12/2015. Also he is scientific reviewer for ANR (1 project) and the Romanian Research Agency (8 projects).

Michel Bergmann has a reviewing activity for the CSCS Swiss National Supercomputing Center. He is also member of the Inria Young Researchers Commission, which allocates PhD and Postdoc grants.